Telepharmacy Legislation Heating Up in Michigan
What is Michigan Senate Bill 0340?
Senate Bill 0340 has been progressing through legal channels since it was introduced by Senator Curtis S. Vanderwall May 22 of 2019. This piece of legislation would authorize pharmacists to remotely dispense prescription drugs through up to two pharmacies, that are at least 10 miles apart, in the state of Michigan.
What is Telepharmacy?
Telepharmacy, remote pharmaceutical care including remote prescription dispensing, would work with a licensed pharmacist overseeing another pharmacy (or pharmacies) remotely through telecommunications where they would supervise local on-site pharmacy technicians, consult with patients, and view digital images to authorize each prescription before it is dispensed.
What is the goal of Michigan Senate Bill 0340?
The goal of this bill is to provide better patient-centric care to those in the rural areas of Michigan who need to travel long distances to pick up their medications. Telemedicine and video conferencing have shined a light on the possibilities of telepharmacy, where twenty-three states have already passed legislation into law.
Michigan SB 0340 Progression
On September 5, 2019, this piece of telepharmacy legislation was passed through the Michigan Senate with a vote of 32 yeas and 6 nays. Those that voted against are concerned about the risk of errors or if remote pharmacies could make it easier to for illegal prescription drug diversions. Although these are valid worries for one to have the bill is continuing to be updated and substituted to ensure there are the proper checks and balances in place to prevent that from happening.
For example, there were worries over the number of prescriptions the bill initially would have allowed remote pharmacies to dispense per day. The H-2 substitute introduced by the house committee would limit the pharmacy to an average of 150 prescriptions in a day during a 90-day period instead of 225 prescriptions per day, as it was when the Senate passed it.
To address the worry of drug diversions, supporters argue that remote pharmacies have been operating since 2002 and are running in 23 states, without any issues or cases of drug diversion so far. In addition, the H-2 substitute would require 1,000 hours of additional training for pharmacy technicians after being granted a temporary or limited license.
Most recently, the House Fiscal Analysis has reported their recommendation for The H-3 Substitute on Wednesday, December 4, 2019.
The Future of Telepharmacy in Michigan
We are hopeful for the future of telepharmacy in Michigan. Michigan’s Public Health Code Act 368 of 1978 allows for telepharmacy initiatives (Section 333.17723, Section 333.17753), which we have been proud to put in place through our telepharmacy services in Michigan.
Curious how this legislation could help your pharmacy?
We would love to help! Contact us today to learn more about how Indispensable Health can help with your Telepharmacy needs currently, as well as in the future if this legislation passes.
Indispensable Health
Telepharmacy Services
Indispensable Health can currently provide telepharmacy services to health system pharmacies and retail pharmacies in Michigan.