Integrated Pharmacy Management, Telepharmacy, Staffing, Retail, Analytics, and Ambulatory Surgery Center Pharmacy Services

Grass Lake Community Pharmacy Blog

Sun Safety

As we spend more time outdoors during the summer it is important to protect ourselves from the sun’s U.V. rays that, with prolonged exposure, can lead to harmful effects that’re more discomforting than a sunburn

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Megan CarryComment
Tips and Tricks for GERD Awareness Week

About 20% of Americans may experience GERD, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, a chronic acid reflux condition and often experience troublesome symptoms. To prepare for holiday meals we have some tips to help those with GERD manage symptoms and enjoy themselves during the holiday

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Megan CarryComment
What’s the Deal with the COVID-19 Vaccine?

2020 has been a year made tumultuous by a once-in-a-century pandemic. After months of quarantine, conflicting information, unclear recommendations from our leaders, and sweating behind facemasks, Americans are asking questions such as, “When will this be over?”, “When will we have a vaccine?”, and, “Will the vaccine be safe?”.

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Todd RaehtzRx-COVID19Comment
Teen Drivers

Did you know that the first 18 months after teens get their license are the most dangerous? It’s due to the fact of inexperience and a tendency for distraction. The teen brain is not fully developed until at least age 25.

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Ashley JoynerComment