Why Trust Our ASC Pharmacy Services?
Top 10 Reasons To Partner With ASCRx For Your Ambulatory Surgery Center
1. ASCRx’s Pharmacy Team Remains Updated on All Pharmacy Laws and Regulation Changes that Impact Our ASC Partners
Whenever Pharmacy Laws and Regulations Change, the ASCRx team Updates YOUR Policies, Procedures, and Forms in your Facility. Our team provides advice on what the new changes mean for your ASC, allowing you to focus on what you do best: superior surgeries, great patient care, and outcomes.
2. The Pharmacy Professionals of ASCRx Ensure Ambulatory Surgery Center Partners Stay in Compliance from a Medication Standpoint with State Regulatory Agencies, and with Surgery Center Accrediting Agencies.
Our ASCRx Services Completely Take Care of the Pharmacy & Medication realm of our ASC Partners
If an ASC is in Need of Compliance Assistance Outside of the Pharmacy Department our Partner, Medical Compliance Team, can Assist With ALL other areas within the ASC facility to maintain & Ensure Full Compliance
3. ASCRx Start-Up Packages Assist Surgery Centers, Prior to Opening, on Pharmacy and Medication Matters
Our Team Writes Policies, Provides Guidance on How to Obtain Controlled Substance (CS) and Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Licenses, Review Medication Formulary, and Tailor our Service Approach to the Specific Needs of The Surgery Center.
4. ASCRx Pharmacists visit onsite for Mid-Construction AND Pre-Opening reviews, ensuring they’re on track to open in medication & pharmacy compliance. Our job is to check medication usage will be in complete compliance before the doors open on day one.
5. Pharmacy Audit Services are Regularly Scheduled, Intended to Ensure Everything Medication Related is Thoroughly Reviewed.
6. ASCRx Chart Reviews Document ASC Medication Usage and Provide Advice for Areas to Improve Upon.
7. An Onsite ASCRx Pharmacist will look at EVERY Medication within a Surgery Center to verify medications are not close to their expiration date and the inventory does not include expired medications. By Verifying ALL Medication Expiration Dates Our ASCRx Team Helps our ASC Partners Ensure Their Patients Receive the Best Quality of Care.
8. ASCRx does more than leave surgery centers with a written report of findings, our team takes the time to review findings with an ASC’s leadership team, and we follow up to see how our ASC partners are doing. The ASCRx Clinical Program Director is also actively involved and offers availability to answer our partners questions when needed while working closely with onsite ASCRx pharmacists.
9. ASCRx is one of the many pharmacy services of Indispensable Health, where for over 20 years we have been providing support for pharmacies since the company was created in 1997. Our expertise, customer service, and quality of work is guided by our leadership team of professionals with over 125 years of combined pharmacy experience between them.
10. When our ASC partners are in need of additional pharmacy assistance, whether it’s further guidance, pharmacy staffing needs, or more regulatory preparation, ASCRx has the pharmacy resources to help you at any time.
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